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Announce on Google

Announce on Google

One of the main goals of and e-commerce companies that intend to improve their online presence is to have a good positioning on Google, the largest search engine in the world and that receives millions of hits every day.

So, if you want to announce your company, your products and/or services on Google, continue reading to find out how Quality IMS can help you! With more than a decade present on market, our company specializes in digital marketing strategies and has worked with more than 500 customers throughout this time, in the B2B (Business to Business) and B2C (Business to Customer) segments.

Count on Quality IMS to announce your company, products and/or services on Google!

Announcing on Google is not an easy task, given the search engine has wide competition and, to position the best sites, it uses the W3C as a basis, which determines more than 200 parameters of good conduct in the creation of a site, involving responsiveness, usability, navigability, fluidity, redirection to reliable external links, among other factors. Google uses automated tools to perform this analysis, verifying the sites that can meet these requirements, and the ones with the best results are well positioned.

Therefore, Quality IMS is a company specialized in announcing on Google: with a team made up of web developers, content writers and designers who base their work on SEO techniques, we are able to establish a relationship with keywords that are important to your business, through which potential customers can find your site.

When we define these words, texts are also designed for organic positioning, and finally, we manage to publish the site, so that the selected keywords rank on the first page of Google.

Use SEO to your advantage when announcing on Google!

SEO is one of the main tools to announce on Google without depending on the creation of monetised link campaigns that work based on the CPC (Cost Per Click) model. Although this specific method may bring results in the short term, it demands a greater amount of investment, both in creating and in maintaining the campaign to maintain it on. By opting for organic search, you will have your pages positioned 24 hours a day throughout Brazil and you will not have to afford pay-per-click costs. Due to this, announcing on Google with Quality IMS is your best alternative!

If you are interested and want to know more about how to announce on Google, contact us so we can help and explain a little more about how our work works!

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