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Advertising on Social Networks

Advertising on Social Networks

In the last two decades, the world has undergone through noteworthy changes in the way people relate to each other and also consume products and services, thanks to the popularization of the Internet and, later, of social networks. Nowadays, e-commerce trade already represents a significant part of trades, and especially in adverse scenarios such as the pandemic, it has become a fundamental resource for the sale of different products and services. For that reason, advertising on social networks is a key ally to your digital marketing strategy.

The advertising on social networks for the broadcasting of products and services is here to stay. Is your brand ready?

Much more than means to the end of providing interaction between users and media for entertainment, social networks have been pillars on which brands strengthen their identities, personas, promote their products and services and establish closer and more humanized connections with their customers and prospects. In this sense, the existence of advertising on social networks turns out to be indispensable, and so we live stumble upon advertisements while scrolling the feed in moments of leisure and free time.

Advertising on social networks is usually featured on all of them, mainly on Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin, which have the largest number of active users and carry out great engagement. However, ads can be found on any free of charge channel or app, once the investment in monetised link campaigns helps keep access to such services at no cost.

In order to have a perfect equation when it comes to advertising on social networks, optimization and targeting tools, which end up working efficiently for both consumers and companies and brands that want to advertise their products and services, must be adopted.

Understand the main advantages of advertising on social networks, both for consumers and for companies:

Monetised link campaigns work for consumers, as it prevents them from constantly seeing advertisements for items they have no interest, while helping to optimize companies' investment, ensuring that the ads reach their respective target audiences, turning advertising on social networks indispensable in the current context.

Another advantage of advertising on social networks relies on cost, which is hastily lower compared to ads in massive vehicles such as TV and radio: in the case of monetised link campaigns, it is possible to optimize the amount invested. The amount spent is pre-established before the campaign begins and the period in which it will run as well. To learn more about it, contact us and talk to one of the Quality IMS consultants!

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